Adriana Almeida-Rodrigues![]() | Collaborator/User | Environmental impact assessments, environmental protection, GE3LS interviewee (A2&A3) | Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy |
Ali Mirabzadeh![]() | Collaborator/User | Commercial eDNA service provider, kit validation, proficiency tests, GE3LS interviewee (A1&A3) | Bureau Veritas Laboratories |
Benoît Croteau![]() | Collaborator/User | Field surveys, land resources manager, GE3LS interviewee (A1-A3) | Première Nation Abitibiwinni de Pikogan |
Caren Helbing![]() | Project Leader | Genomics & transcriptomics, eDNA & eRNA kit development & validation, training, (A1-A3) | University of Victoria |
Cass Silverio![]() | Collaborator/User | Kit validation, GE3LS interviewee (A1&A3) | Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy |
Cathy Richter![]() | User/Co-investigator | Kit validation, citizen science, GE3LS interviewee (A1-A3) | US Geological Survey |
Cayla Naumann![]() | Collaborator/User | Kit validation, GE3LS interviewee (A1&A3) | Dillon Consulting |
Doug Bright![]() | User/Co-investigator/End-user advisory board co-chair | Kit validation, GE3LS interviewee (A1&A3) | Hemmera |
Geneviève Parent![]() | User/Co-investigator | Kit validation, regulatory uptake, GE3LS interviewee (A1&A3) | Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
Guillaume Côté![]() | User/Co-investigator/End-user advisory board co-chair | Field surveys, development and validation kits | Ministère des Forêts, Faune et Parcs |
Hélène Trudeau ![]() | Co-Investigator | GE3LS, Legislation (A3) | Université de Montréal |
Hugo Asselin![]() | Co-Investigator | GE3LS, Political ecology (A2&A3) | Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue |
Inanc Birol![]() | Co-Investigator | Bioinformatics (A1) | BC Cancer/UBC |
Isabel Leal![]() | User/Co-investigator | Kit development & validation, GE3LS interviewee (A1-A3) | Pacific Forestry Centre & Natural Resources Canada |
Jared Hobbs![]() | User/Co-investigator | Kit validation, training, GE3LS interviewee (A1-A3) | J Hobbs Ecological |
Jean-Christophe Guay![]() | Collaborator/User | Field surveys, development and validation kits | Hydro-Québec |
Jean-François Bissonnette![]() | Co-Investigator | GE3LS, Human geography (A2&A3) | Université Laval |
Jérôme Dupras![]() | Project Leader | GE3LS, Cognitive mapping, ecological economics (A2&A3) | Chaire de recherche du Canada en économie écologique Université du Québec en Outaouais |
Karem Chokmani![]() | Co-Investigator | Geospatial modeling, drones (A2) | Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Kelly Leblanc![]() | User/Co-investigator | Field surveys, Environmental impact assessments, liaison, GE3LS interviewee (A1-A3) | Cree Nation Government |
Ken Clogg-Wright![]() | Collaborator | Targeted eDNA detection standard development (A1) | Canadian Standards Association |
Kevin Koch![]() | Collaborator/User | Field surveys, liaison, indigenous resource governance, GE3LS interviewee (A1-A3) | Gitanyow Fisheries Authority |
Louis Bertnachez![]() | Project Leader In memoriam | eDNA & eRNA kit development and validation, eDNA testing, eDNA ecology, biodiversity conservation (A1&A3) | Université Laval |
Lynda Gagné![]() | Co-Investigator | GE3LS, public administration, accounting (A2&A3) | University of Victoria |
Mae Whyte![]() | Collaborator/User | Field surveys, environmental compliance, GE3LS interviewee (A1-A3) | Blueberry River First Nations |
Mary Lesperance![]() | Co-Investigator | Statistics (A1) | University of Victoria |
Matt Lemay![]() | Collaborator/User | Kit validation, geographic information system mapping, drones, GE3LS interviewee (A1-A3) | Hakai Institute |
Morgan Hocking![]() | User/Co-investigator | Geospatial modeling, kit validation, GE3LS interviewee (A1-A3) | Ecofish |
Nathalie Piedboeuf![]() | User/Co-investigator | Field surveys, citizen science, training, GE3LS interviewee (A2&A3) | Groupe d'éducation et d'écosurveillance de l'eau (G3E) |
Patrick Chatelle![]() | Collaborator | eDNA sampling drones (A2) | DroneXperts |
Rachel Miliano![]() | User/Co-investigator | Mitogenome sequencing, kit validation, enforcement, GE3LS interviewee (A1&A3) | Environment and Climate Change Canada |
Raegan Mallinson![]() | User/Co-investigator | Field surveys, citizen science, training, GE3LS interviewee (A2&A3) | Living Lakes Canada |
Robert Hanner![]() | User/Co-investigator | Kit validation, GE3LS interviewee (A1&A3) | University of Guelph |
Rute Clemente-Carvalho![]() | Collaborator/User | Kit development, validation | Hakai Institute |
Saeid Homayouni![]() | Co-Investigator | Geographic information system mapping, machine learning, artificial intelligence (A2) | Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Sibylla Helms![]() | User/Co-investigator | Kit validation, GE3LS interviewee (A1&A3) | Parks Canada |
Stacey Kus![]() | Collaborator | Kit validation, GE3LS interviewee (A1&A3) | FPInnovations |
Tara Macdonald![]() | Collaborator/User | Kit validation, GE3LS interviewee (A1&A3) | Biologica |
Valérie Langlois![]() | Project Leader | eDNA & eRNA kit validation, ecotoxicogenomics, genomics outreach, (A1-A3) | Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Vani Mohit![]() | Collaborator/User | Kit validation, GE3LS interviewee (A1&A3) | Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques |
Zoo Sauvage de St-Félicien![]() | Collaborators | eDNA and eRNA Kit development and validation (A1&A2) | Zoo sauvage de St-Félicien |
Annie-Claude Bélisle![]() | Exploring the potential of eDNA for terrestrial biodiversity monitoring by First Nations | Valérie Langlois | Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Caroline Thivierge![]() | Understand the institutional mechanisms and the perceptions of the actors characterizing the stakes of biodiversity and the use of eDNA | Jérôme Dupras | Chaire de recherche du Canada en économie écologique Université du Québec en Outaouais |
Chloé Berger![]() | Experimental study of the ecology of environmental DNA and RNA in aquatic environment | Louis Bernatchez | Université Laval Institut de biologie intégrative et des systèmes |
Fidji Sandré![]() | Biodiversity monitoring of controlled ecosystems | Valérie Langlois | Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Jean-Michel Desgagnés![]() | Geomatic analysis and GIS development | Saeid Homayouni | Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Kloé Chagnon-Taillon![]() | Combine arts and science to map values in indigenous territories | Jérôme Dupras | Université du Québec en Outaouais |
Limoilou-Amélie Renaud![]() | Evaluating eDNA within the value systems of land users | Hugo Asselin | Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue |
Louie Lopez![]() | eDNA/eRNA assay development and field application with Indigenous people | Caren Helbing | University of Victoria |
Marie-Lee Castonguay ![]() | The ecology of environmental DNA (eDNA) and environmental RNA (eRNA) for wildlife tracking in a changing climate | Valérie Langlois & Louis Bernatchez | Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Marie-Pier Brochu ![]() | Environmental nucleic acids as a tool for biosurveillance of important animal species in Quebec province | Valérie Langlois & Hugo Asselin | Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Michael Allison![]() | Molecular indicators of Oolichan organismal and population health | Caren Helbing | University of Victoria |
Neha Acharya-Patel![]() | Environmental DNA methods development for marine ecosystem health assessments. The marine photos used on this website were taken by Neha Acharya-Patel. | Caren Helbing | University of Victoria |
Ridha Guebsi![]() | Stochastic modeling of the spatial distribution of occurrence/abundance of certain wildlife species of interest to First Nations | Karem Chokmani | Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Yao Honore Doh![]() | Snow and Wildlife Management: implications of characterizing spatial-temporal snow cover variability in Eastern Canada for action by wildlife sector actors | Jean-François Bissonnette & Karem Chokmani | Université Laval |
Anna Dema![]() | Research Assistant | eDNA assay validation and project execution | University of Victoria |
Anita Thambirajah![]() | Research Associate | Environmental factors influencing eDNA/eRNA detection | University of Victoria |
Ellika Crichton![]() | Research Assistant | Tissue bank organization and eDNA project execution | University of Victoria |
Jacob Imbery![]() | Western Coordinator | Project organization and coordination | University of Victoria |
Julie Couillard![]() | Eastern Coordinator/Research Associate | Project organization and coordination Development of state-of-the-art environmental DNA (eDNA) and RNA (eRNA) technology for Canadian wildlife species | Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Tuan Anh To![]() | Research Associate | Development of state-of-the-art environmental DNA (eDNA) and RNA (eRNA) technology for Canadian wildlife species | Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Vanessa Thompson![]() | Research Associate | Pinewood nematode detection using eDNA/eRNA | University of Victoria |