Presentation of recent results from Marie-Lee Castonguay, PhD candidate INRS-ETE
The collaborators of the iTrackDNA team in Quebec had a lot of fun on May 28 when they met to discuss the progress of the overall project!
Presentation of recent results from Marie-Pier Brochu, PhD candidate, INRS-ETE
Lots of interest during the presentations by students and professors. And so much diversity of subjects within this great team!
From left to right: Patrick Chatelle (DroneXperts), Valérie Langlois (ecotoxicogenomics, co-lead iTrackDNA, INRS-ETE), Karem Chokmani (remote sensing and hydrology, INRS-ETE).
This day was an excellent opportunity for professors, students and collaborators to discuss all aspects and results concerning this fateful iTrackDNA project!